Baby Peacocks: All You Need to Know?

What do baby peacocks eat

Baby peacocks or baby peachicks

The babies of peacocks are also termed peachicks. These are the chicks of peafowl that belong to any of the three peafowl species found around the globe: Indian peafowl, Congo peafowl, or Green peafowl. Basically, the term “peacocks” is used for male peafowl, despite the fact that the term is widely used to refer to both male and female peafowl. The fact is that the female peafowl are termed as peahens. Every organism in the universe passes through different stages of life, like newborn, childhood, young, and old. In cases like this, the peacocks also start their lives as baby peacocks.

How baby peacocks look like?

As the young ones born it is very hard to distinguish between the male and female baby peacocks. The outer body appearance of these early born have look of fluffy feathers as they haves striped wings same as to those the females chicks the pheasant. Peachicks resembles in appearance with the baby pheasants and also gives a look as like to gamebirds. The legs of these early-born are lengthy in size and gives a pretty look but it is a fact that the baby peacocks haves some lengthy legs than the female pheasant chicks and this specification is used as a sign of difference between male and female chicks. In the case of Lucite bred all-white peafowl, some peachicks are born completely white.

How much weight baby peacock have?

The average weight of a healthy baby peacock at the time of birth is 100g. The weight of the female chicks is less than that of the male chicks, which is mostly around 30g.

How baby peacocks look at the juvenile stage?

At the start of birth to around five months of babyhood, the juvenile peacocks and peahens are too hard to distinguish. The outer plumage of these birds is comprised of duller, plainer brown feathers. The wings and tail both have a stripy appearance till the stage of maturity, which is established at the age of 3 years. Peachicks begin to develop their crest feathers around the age of two to three months. After the first five months, the male peacock starts developing colours that are striking in the feathers. The tail feathers remain uncolored as it takes another two years, or some longer time, to form their complete appearance. Peahens mature sexually considerably faster than other birds, and by the time they’re a year old, they’ve developed much of their adult plumage.

What do baby peacocks like to eat?

Peafowl belong to the omnivore feeding group of birds. The peachicks also act as omnivores and, like their elders, they can feed on a variety of plant and animal based diets. In the wild environment, the baby peacocks also act as omnivores and are fed on soft plant and animal based foods by their mothers. As they reach at the age of maturity and are able to feed on larger solid foods, they feed on a variety of foods. Peafowl have strong, pointed beaks that develop fast, allowing peachicks to scavenge insects, small mammals, amphibians, arthropods, and lizards in as little as two weeks to a month.  During the first 2-5 days, peachicks will be fed bugs and scraps of food by their mother. Then they’ll be able to search for insects, berries, seeds, and other edibles on their own, saving time and money in the process. The peachicks can be fed game bird beginning feed while they are kept in captivity.


 What do baby peacock eat in captivity?

Peachicks, as well as peafowl in general, require a high intake of protein in order to remain in good condition. This is mostly due to the fact that they must develop and maintain their magnificent feathers, which are composed of around 90% protein. So baby peacocks are should be given natural food like small insects, berries etc. artificial feed also available for their better nourishment

What type of food we can feed to baby peacocks?

A feed is considered the best that can meet the demands of different nutrients for the baby peacocks. Like the adults, the baby peacocks also need a higher demand for protein. This is because they require a huge quantity of protein to maintain their beautiful and colorful plumage. When the baby peacocks are placed in a captivity, it is best to feed them gamebird mixes, which contain a higher amount of protein. When we discuss the choice, we notice that the baby peacocks can feed on the fruits, vegetables, grains, oats, and meat that are derived from insects and mealworms.

How long a baby peacock live with his mother?

Peachick stay with his moms for up to 6 months at a time, depending on their circumstances. Compared to other birds, such as chickens, who abandon their babies after a few weeks, this takes far longer. This does not rule out the possibility of their being self-sufficient throughout this phase. In most cases, after a week or two, peachicks are able to take to the air, or at the very least receive some aerial time.

What’s the color of peacock egg?

The color of the eggs as they are laid by the females is mostly light brown. The eggs of the Indian peafowl are between 7 and 10 inches long and about 4 to 6 inches in diameter. The weight of these eggs mostly falls between 100 and 140 g.

How many eggs a pheasant can lay?

The range of egg laying capacity shows a variation among the species of peacocks but remains between the maximum of 13 eggs per lay and the minimum of 3 eggs. For example, 5 to 7 eggs are laid by Congo peafowl.

When do peacocks lay eggs?

The breeding seasons vary among the different species of peacocks according to their natural habitats. The breeding season of the Indian peafowl reaches its peak in the months of April and May, and again in the month of June in the northern regions of India. The Congo peafowl breeding season is affected by the rainfall in the local areas and most have a breeding time from April to June. In the United Kingdom, the breeding season of these birds varies from all other areas and runs from March to July.

What is the method of feeding to baby peacock? 

The newborns are looked after by their mothers and fed on the tiny scraps of food, meal worms, grubs, and other foods that comprise a high protein level.  Peahens forage for food and then pick food materials for their newborns. During the feeding, different vocalizations are used by the parents.

How do baby peacocks learn to pick food?

Mostly the peafowls forage for their food but some time the hunt on the small insects and animals. They have long and strong legs, which help them run and catch prey. Mostly they hunt on the small insects, lizards and snakes. Peachicks remain close to their mothers and see and learn how their parents hunt and catch food materials. As the age of maturity starts, the peachicks also start to hunt. Those peachicks which are unable to learn about the hunting hardly die and not survive.

When and how baby peacocks starts flight?

Most people thought that peacocks were unable to fly, but it is a fact that they can. Mostly, the peafowl prefer to remain in their roosters, and they do not fly, but they only fly when escape is required from the predators. Long distance flights are rarely found in the peafowls and they cannot fly more than one mile. Peachicks learn the patterns of flight from their mothers and try their first flights as early as the end of the second week. Peahens’ mothers allow their young ones to fly only at night, and it is preferred that the first flight be taken from the ground so as to avoid injury.

When do peacocks leave their nests?

During the first 4 to 7 months, the peachicks are reared and protected by their parents. But as they become able to hunt and fly, they leave their nests. They do, however, stay close to their parents until they find mates.

How quickly newborn peacocks develop?

Peacocks attain adult levels in around a year, but it takes much longer for their feathers to fully mature, at least three years. Even at the age of one, most peacocks have relatively few tail feathers; it takes another two years for them to attain sexual maturity. The iridescent eyes, which appear around the 3-year mark or occasionally longer, are the last part of their feathers to grow.