What is the Difference Between Male and Female Peacocks? 8 Differences You May Need to Know!

Peacocks are beautiful in both sexes, but there are few significant distinctions to be made between male and female peacocks. Despite their shared beauty, male and female peacocks have different reproductive strategies. Not only are male peacocks considered to be the more stunning of the two birds, but the behaviors of male peacocks and female peacocks are also highly distinct from one another. But are there any other significant differences between the two?

In this chapter, we will discuss all of the parallels as well as the dissimilarities that exist between box sexes. You won’t only be able to tell them out visually; you’ll also have an understanding of the behavioral distinctions between them and the functions that each plays in reproduction.

The primary distinction between male and female peacocks is determined by their sexes. Given that male peacocks display far more vibrant colors than female peacocks do, it is not difficult to differentiate between these two species of bird. Both the size and the weight of male peacocks are much greater than those of female peacocks; nevertheless, the size of male peacocks is not significantly different from that of female peacocks.

How can you tell if a peacock is male or female?

Peahens are the female counterpart of peacocks, who are the males of the peafowl species. It is simple to distinguish between the sexes: the males are brightly colored and have an impressively long train of feathers at the base of their tail, whilst the females are generally a lighter shade of brown. Males and females can be differentiated on the basis of the following characteristics.

#1 Size and Weight

The size and weight of a peacock’s male and female offspring are two of the most notable distinctions between the sexes. Male peacocks are often much longer and heavier than their female counterparts, and this size difference may be very significant. Male peacocks, on the other hand, may grow to be as long as 7 feet thanks to their magnificent tail feathers, whilst female peacocks can grow to be no more than 4 feet at their longest point.

Male peacock_1

Male Peacock

female peacock_1

Female Peacock

Male, on average, weigh much more than their female counterparts. This weight difference may be very significant. The female peacock, also known as a peahen, typically weighs between 5 and 7 pounds, whereas male peacocks may grow to be anywhere from 9 to 14 pounds. It’s possible that you won’t be able to tell by simply observing them, but the stunning plumage of a male peacock ought to be enough to demonstrate the difference in size between the sexes.

#2 Calls and vocalizations

It has been said that the primary cry of the peacock is a strident and robust trumpet-like sound known as may-awe. One of the other noises they make resembles a string of piercing shrieks or screams that go by the name ka-aan and are repeated numerous times in rapid succession. When the male approaches the female for conception, he also makes a sound similar to a hoot.

The mother hen produces a metallic kha-kha-kha and kok-kok sound when she is upset, which distinguishes the female’s sounds from those of the male.

#3 Feathers and Coloring

The primary characteristics that differentiate a male sex from a female sex are the colors and feathers of the two sexes of the bird. Female peacocks do not have any tail feathers at all, in contrast to their male counterparts, who are noted for their spectacular tail feathers. Peacock males, on the other hand, make strategic use of their tail feathers throughout the courtship and mating process, which allows them to gain a competitive edge.

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Male Peacock

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Female Peacock

The female peacock has a considerably more subdued look than the male, and just a few of the feathers on her body are colorful. Female peacocks tend to be found in more subdued voices, such as brown and cream, in contrast to male peacocks, which are completely green or blue in coloration. This is said to be a survival tactic for female peacocks since their feathers are simple in color, which helps them blend in with their surroundings and avoid being seen by predators.

Male peacocks puff themselves up and utilize their spectacular tail feathers to seem bigger in order to ward off potential predators. Because of this, male peacocks are often successful in driving away potential predators and other dangers, making them a great choice for guarding peahens.

#4 Neck and Head Appearance

The neck and head of male and female peacocks are produced differently, which is still another distinction between the sexes. Male peacocks have feather crests that are green-blue in color, whereas female peacocks have feather crests that are a more neutral shade of brown or cream. Both sexes of the bird have distinctive feathers that create a crest on top of their head, but the colors of the crests differ depending on the gender of the bird.

male peacock which entirely green in color

The eyes of both sexes of these birds are marked in distinctive ways, with the female peacock sporting a slightly different pattern than the male. In contrast to the male peacock, whose white markings stand out against his blue plumage, female peacocks’ markings tend to fade into their plain feather hues.

#5 Raise a young one

Peahen hens often rear their young on their own in the wild. Males are not involved in raising young. After mating, the peahen will separate herself from other peahens and males and lay her clutch of eggs all by herself.

After the eggs have been incubated for around a month and a half, the female will tend to the chicks for up to nine months until they are able to fend for themselves.

In the wild, peahens raise their young entirely by themselves, but when they are kept in captivity, their maternal instincts are sometimes not very strong. When maintained in confinement, some peahens show little to no enthusiasm in caring for their young chicks.

#6 Behavior

Peacock males and females have distinct behavioral patterns. Female peacocks are mainly interested in ensuring their own survival, male peacocks are renowned for their ability to attract females via the use of their spectacular tail. Due to this, a peacock flock will exhibit certain behavioral variations in addition to anatomical variations.


The majority of male peacocks, for instance, lead lonely lives until they are in the midst of mating, whereas female peacocks are social creatures and live in flocks with other peahens. It is the job of the female peacock to construct the nests in which her offspring will lay their eggs; the male peacock has no involvement in this process. You may also picture that males and females have a few reproductive quirks that set them apart from one another.

#7 Reproductive Capabilities

In addition to the clear distinction in gender that exists between both sexes, there are also distinctions in terms of reproduction and parenthood that exist between the two sexes. In peacocks, for instance, only the females are able to produce offspring, while the males are incapable of doing so.

mother peacock with her baby

Female peacocks also take excellent care of their young until they reach maturity, whereas male peacocks have nothing to do with the process of rearing their own offspring in any way.

#8 Actions

Male and female peacocks engage in distinct behaviors throughout the day. When courting a female or trying to attract attention in dense vegetation, males may spread their tails out. The female peafowl does not fan her tail feathers, but she will ruffle them if she is threatened or if she is fighting with another peahen. While females are busy throughout the day caring for young and constructing nests, men spend much of their time alone. Generally speaking, female peafowl are friendlier than males, although males are more territorial.


When you next come across a group of peafowls congregating together, you should be able to distinguish between the males and the females of the species in a matter of just a few short minutes. Suppose you could think of any additional methods to differentiate male and female peacocks other than their appearance. In that case, please share it with us in the comments area.